The Story

"'In headaches and in worry
Vaguely life leaks away,
And Time will have his fancy,
To-morrow or to-day."

-W.H. Auden, As I Walked Out One Evening

This is a blog for poet, Senia Hardwick. I have some listings for upcoming readings, and events where you can hear my work, as well as places I can be read. I also have some sample poems and analysis and reviews of other writers.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Wanting to see 

the latest Videodrome broadcast, 

 Max meets Harlan at his studio. There, 

Harlan reveals that he has been working with 

Convex with the goal 

of recruiting Max to their cause: to end 


North America's cultural decay by giving fatal brain tumors to anyone 

so obsessed with sex and violence 

that they would watch Videodrome. Convex then 

inserts a brainwashing Betamax tape into Max's torso. Under Convex's influence, 

Max murders his colleagues at CIVIC-TV. He later attempts to murder 

Bianca, who manages to stop him by 

showing him a videotape of Nicki's murder on the Videodrome set. 


Bianca then 'reprograms' Max to her father's cause: 

"Death to Videodrome. Long live the new flesh." On her orders, he kills Harlan 

and Convex.


and tomorrow, 

and tomorrow, creeps 

in this petty pace 

from day to day, to the last syllable 

of recorded time; and all our yesterdays have 

lighted fools 

the way to dusty death. out, 

out, brief candle! life's but a walking shadow, a poor 

player, that struts and frets 

his hour upon the stage and then is heard 

no more: 

it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and

 fury, signifying 
